Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tuesday To do! and Graduation!

Yes that's correct... I have achieved Bachelor status, (no not single ladies...) I done gradjimcated. That means that I will now be embarking on the 'ol job hunt. This is not exactly as exciting a prospect as you might think. While I am very hopeful about my prospects, I am also nervous. Putting myself out there makes me feel vulnerable and I am constantly second-guessing myself. However, in an effort to help put the nose to the grindstone and let more people know how cool I am I will be posting to this blog more regularly. Hey... it feels like I'm kind of accomplishing something. So look forward to regular Tuesday posts.

I said... look forward to them! (shakes fist menacingly)

First thing I wanna share with yinz is this

It's a really cool interactive family tree of electronic music, that features history, descriptions, and samples of a great deal of electronice music genres.

While at BurningMan I heard a lot of people hating on Dubstep, which got me curious because I couldn't say that I could confidently identify that style of music if I heard it. And everyone was hating on it in Black Rock City. So I did some online research (yes that's exactly how cool I am) to determine what was so terrible about Dubstep.

Turns out I kinda like it... and so between Wikipedia, the previously linked to awesomeness and some other sources I have recently developed a little obsession with understanding and recognizing genres of electronic music. There is a world of a discussion we could have about classifying things that have such blurry edges as music, and especially visual art, but I think there's something innately human about trying to classify things. It's kinda what we do. That's a conversation for another Tuesday though.

But what's the point Chancey?

Well, not much I suppose, except to show you all this!

Cool infographics! This is another one of my recent obsessions. The grand idea here would be to make a monstrous family tree that related every genre of music to each other and showed their individual progression from "parent" genres i.e. African tribal rhythms influenced slave work songs which influenced negro spirituals which created Jazz which gave birth to Rock and Roll which eventually splinters into Psychedelic Rock which influenced downtempo DJs and now I can chillax to the max with bands like Air, Röyksopp, and the Sneaker Pimps...

Also Beethoven is in there somewhere too, and what do we do about artists that evolve and work through styles? How can we show those artists who create styles and their relative influence on later work? I'm working on something, but in the meantime... inspiration

...OK, so that's not that impressive.

But there's the rub. Until next Tuesday when I promise to have some more pictures.